
For help using Zaloni University, click on the HELP button located near the upper right corner of your screen. Here you will find a Quick Guide, Videos, and a searchable Knowledge Base to help you navigate Zaloni University’s learning management system.


For help specific to course content, from within the course, click on the MORE button located near the upper right corner of your screen. Select “Send message to instructor” and a Zaloni expert will get back to you shortly.

For help using Zaloni University, click on the HELP button located near the upper right corner of your screen. Here you will find a Quick Guide, Videos, and a searchable Knowledge Base to help you navigate Zaloni University’s learning management system.


For help specific to course content, from within the course, click on the MORE button located near the upper right corner of your screen. Select “Send message to instructor” and a Zaloni expert will get back to you shortly.